Big Ideas

Big Ideas
How do we think new things? How do we create new ideas? The project "Big Ideas" focuses on the aha-effect, the creative moment when new ideas are born. What happens in the sudden moment when an unknown thought is there?—An insight, sometimes called a flash of inspiration, which is why light bulbs are so often used as symbols for ideas. How can we perceive our ideas and recognize them as new ones?
Can we promote, force and strengthen creativity? If so, how? Is there a creative mindset, a creative mindset that makes ideas flow more easily, a mental attitude that is conducive to creativity? How do we define creativity, is it enough to connect one with another, does this already lead to a surprising thought? And when we see the newness of our own ideas, how can we implement them?
Creative is who is creative. What sounds like a tautological joke is not one. A runner is who runs. A cook is who cooks. By acting deliberately on a regular basis, we continuously strengthen our abilities.